Mexican Immigration and the Journey of My Grandparents

M. Isaac Medina
2 min readApr 28, 2022


Sometimes I look at my grandparents and wonder about their life story. My grandmother is 74 and my grandfather 72. It has been a lifetime since they trekked across the continent as teenagers to make their lives better. It wasn’t until this project that made me think about how their journey affected my life.

My grandparents, Gloria and Juan, in the 1970s.

My grandparents story is not the only one. Thousands of men, women, and children left their homes in Mexico around the time of my grandparents journey to make their lives better. Many went to agriculture jobs, industrial jobs, or any jobs they could find. The story I want to tell in this project is how immigrants, like my grandparents, are coming to the U.S. to make their lives better. They want to come to make their families’ lives better. I also want to explore my own personal connection to my culture that seems to be lost at times.

This is my rough draft of my project on immigration and my grandparents’ journey. I plan on speaking throughout the video so that is why some parts have no audio. I wanted to speak while presenting to make myself more connected to the project. I still have to add some parts which include the history on Mexican immigration from World War I to the time my grandparents came to the U.S. in the 1960s. I was hoping to speak with you more about that. I found some statistics about the number of immigrants coming to the U.S. that I plan to use during my speaking parts. Just having some trouble with the parts not about my grandparents and how to connect it to the broader scope of Mexican immigration.

